The Moms & Babies Survey (MBS) is one of the best-selling and most popular publication products among other publication products. More than 200 books are sold each time MBS is launched. Providing an overview of mothers’ behavior in choosing and buying products for babies under two years (BADUTA), this book will help grow your business and where to start.
The Moms & Kids survey focuses on the behavior of mothers in choosing and buying products for children aged 2 to 7 years in Indonesia. In detail, the Moms & Kids Survey provides an overview of usage habits, products consumed by children, brand preferences, purchasing channels, and media habits.
Indonesia is a large and growing market for cosmetic and personal care products, providing opportunities for global and local market players in the industry. The aim of this study is to provide a complete picture of the size of the skincare product market. In addition, this study also provides insight into trends and behavior of Indonesian women in choosing, buying, and using skincare products.
Indonesia is a very large market for the cosmetic and skincare industry. Based on data from the Ministry of Industry, sales of this category continue to increase from year to year. Competition in this market is also very tight with the presence of various small to large brands, both local and international, which enter through various sales channels. Sigma Research Indonesia conducted this research to help industry players acquire an overview of the market conditions for cosmetic products, along with trends and behaviors of Indonesian women in choosing and using this product category.
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