Prima Ariestonandri

Research Director

Prima obtained his first-degree education in Mathematics (B.Sc. Math) and Master of Business Administration (MSc) from the University of Indonesia and has been involved in commercial marketing research since 2002.

He and his colleagues also have established a relatively small but quite productive marketing research company since 2006. On average, he and his colleagues complete around two and three commercial research project reports a month.

Areas of Expertise:

  1. Marketing & Social Research (Quantitative & Qualitative) and questionnaire design, focus group guideline design, FGD moderator, survey management, data analysis, and research reporting.
  2. Forecasting Technique Analysis, Forecasting design, data exploration, moving average (double & exponential), time series, linear & multiple regression, Box Jenkins Methodology (ARIMA), and forecasting application for business.
  3. Computers Statistics Software likes SPSS, MINITAB, & Lisrel.


  • University of Brawijaya  | Public Policy Analysis  (2017 – 2020)
  • University of Indonesia | Master’s Degree Business Administration
  • University of Indonesia | Study Mathematic, Activities and Societies: Member of Indonesia Statistician Association (ISI) and MRGA (Marketing Research Global Alliance)